There are numerous varieties of coffee beans and each has their own distinct set of particulars. Understanding the distinction between them is crucial for those who want to make the most the beans they are brewing, and to make the best cup of coffee.
Read on for our comprehensive overview of some sought-after varieties of coffee beans and their most distinctive features.
What are the different kinds of beans for coffee?
The four most sought-after varieties that coffee beans come from consist of Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa and Liberica. Each of them has distinct tastes.
Arabica The world’s most loved
Arabica is by far the most well-known kind of coffee available that is available and accounts for more than 60% of the coffee produced around the world. It is the most sought-after coffee bean for coffee machines that are industrial. Arabica coffee is derived by an Coffea arabica tree, which is a native of Ethiopia.
Arabica coffee beans typically considered to be of better quality than other kinds of coffee beans because of their smooth and rich flavours.
They have a more delicate, sweeter and more delicate flavor than other varieties of coffee. Due to the large number of Arabica growers and the many factors that affect the production and growth processes, Arabica coffee beans from each crop and farm will have a completely different flavor profile. Arabica coffee also has lower levels of caffeine than Robusta coffee.
When it is made using premium Arabica beans Arabicica coffee has an almost sweet taste with subtle hints of chocolate, caramel, and nuts. There are also hints of berries and fruit.
Arabica beans, just like other coffee beans, are hard to grow in the majority of the world.
The ideal conditions for the growth of coffee plants can be found in the region commonly referred to as”the “Bean Belt” or the “Coffee Belt.” The region lies located between and between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The countries in this region have the ideal soil and climate which are ideal for coffee plants.
Arabica coffee needs additional conditions. They are generally produced at altitudes that are between 3000 and 6000 feet higher than sea levels and typically prefer areas with moderate temperatures, and with lots of shade and constant, frequent rainfall.
Despite their specific increasing circumstances, Arabica beans remain the most popular coffee bean variety due to their mild flavor with a lower caffeine content as well as various flavors. The rich Arabica blends like Kokebi Intenso 100% blend Kokebi Intenso 100% blend are typically the most well-loved cold brews and iced drinks however some prefer blends that include Robusta or other varieties of coffee to have a richer flavor.
Robusta: a darker, deeper alternative
Robusta beans are second most sought-after bean available on the market.
Robusta beans are more well-known across Europe and Africa as opposed to America and require different growing conditions in comparison with Arabica beans. They require irregular rain, and a hot climate and are cultivated at varying heights. Robusta beans are grown across Africa as well as certain parts of Asia. The high levels of caffeine give the beans a powerful resistance to disease.
Robusta coffee beans yield the most full-bodied cup coffee than Arabica with earthy undertones as well as bitterness. Many people describe the smell and flavor of Robusta coffee beans to be deep, strong and strong. The high levels of caffeine within Robusta coffee cherries Robusta coffee cherry may cause the coffee to taste acidic and bitter, therefore it is crucial to achieve the perfect equilibrium when mixing and brewing coffee beans.
This is why Robusta beans are typically blended along with Arabica beans, for instance with the Kokebi Leonardo blend. Combining Arabica and Robusta beans can result in delicious cups of coffee that has a range of distinct flavors. The two kinds of beans complement one another in a way, with Robusta beans giving flavor and body to Arabica. It is a wonderful method to drink coffee with a distinct flavours which you can’t be able to get from a single-origin cup.
Read more about coffee beans over on this coffee blog.
Robusta is frequently employed in espresso blends like that of the Kokebi Super Crema blend, as it is able to produce more ‘crema’ which is the creaminess layer that is atop the espresso shot.
Liberica is a lighter, more flavorful, and sweeter choice
The third kind that coffee beans are known as the Liberica bean.
The bean is a part of the Liberica coffee plant, which comes from Liberia situated in West Africa and produces much larger, more irregularly shaped beans in comparison to Arabica plants.
The Liberica bean is a rare commodity because the plant is hard to cultivate, which means it hasn’t been capable of meeting the demands of global markets. In fact, Liberica coffee accounts for less than 2% of all commercially-produced coffee worldwide.
Coffee beans are renowned for its distinctive flavor character, which is sweet and sweet with delicate floral and spicy undertones. Many believe it is because Liberica coffee is more sweet than other coffees. Much like it’s cousin, the Robusta beans, Liberica beans tend to be added to blends of coffee to add more depth because its flavor profile differs from the Arabica bean.
Despite its strong flavor, Liberica coffee has a less caffeine content as Robusta or Arabica coffee.
Liberica coffee beans were once very popular due to their ability to resist the disease known as ‘coffee corrosion’. In the latter part of the nineteenth century, the occurrence of coffee rust contributed to the destruction of a large portion of Arabica plants across the globe which led to the increasing popularity that is the Liberica plant which is resistant to the majority of pests and diseases.
Despite Liberica coffee’s historic significance however, the Arabica version has since gained popularity due to its light flavor. But, Liberica is said to be an absolute must-try for anyone who loves coffee and its distinct flavors make it a popular choice for many.
Excelsa: a unique and exclusive option
While it was initially classified as a distinct species at the time of its classification in 2006 Excelsa has been deemed to be a type that is a variety of Liberica coffee. This confusion, as well as the many distinct characteristics it has that distinguish it from the other Liberica coffees, frequently leads to it being thought to be the fourth kind of coffee bean that is in widespread use.
Very little Excelsa coffee beans is made due to the quantity of labor required for their production as well as the general absence of desire to purchase the beans.
Although it was originally grown in Africa, Excelsa coffee is currently mainly grown by South East Asia. It is dependent on the country in which it is grown. Excelsa might be considered to be the same type of coffee as Liberica when it is produced or be considered a separate crop. The major manufacturers of Excelsa coffee beans are Vietnam as well as in the Philippines, India, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Although they are thought to be as the same species Excelsa coffees and Liberica coffees differ significantly from one another. Excelsa beans tend to be smaller and more round. Excelsa beans produce sweet, tart coffee that has fruity notes however, they are also distinctly dark and strong. This is why Excelsa beans are frequently employed to provide flavor depth and larger body to coffee blends.
Each of the Liberica as well as Excelsa coffee plants are afflicted by a lack of awareness and market infrastructure. They make less than 10% of the total production of coffee.
Coffee that makes an impression
Whatever kind of coffee you pick, you can be sure that the best beans can make a cup that will brighten someone’s day.