Due to the increasing popularity of tattoos as well as laser removal, the technology has advanced an impressive amount in the past five to ten years. It has also been improved to make it more efficient and causes less harm on the skin. This is a good thing for those who want to have tattoos removed since they are now able to have a lower risk of negative side negative effects.
The procedure for laser removal of tattoos utilizes an intense burst of light energy that breaks down the pigments that are present in tattoos. Your body’s defense system slowly removes these particles in the course of. Each treatment following the initial one will break the particles of ink a little further, until they are eventually removed by the body or turn transparent. This is why you’ll observe the tattoo fade faster in the 4-8 weeks following the removal procedure, because your body begins to slowly take off the smaller pieces.
It may sound simple however the technologies and processes which are involved are far more complex and require a deeper investigation to comprehend what’s happening.
Three layers make up the skin
When you’re tattooing or removing one the process is directly involving the skin. It is important to know about the skin’s layers in order to comprehend how tattoos are created as well as removal of tattoos.
The skin consists 3 layers including epidermis and dermis as well as the hypodermis.
What is the process for getting a tattoo? do the job?
Before you take off the tattoo, you must to obtain a tattoo removal kit first.
Today the most popular method is tattoo machines that inject ink onto the skin using the use of needles or multiple needles. It is punctured several times between 80 and 150 times per second.
The ink is first introduced in the epidermis (top layer of skin) as well as the dermis (middle layer of the skin). When healing occurs the epidermis that has been damaged regenerates eliminating any pigment. But, the ink remains in the dermis and epidermis boundary which makes the tattoo permanent.
Professional tattoos generally inject ink on the dermis while amateur tattoos are typically closer to the skin’s surface.
What are the most effective lasers used for tattoo removal?
To get rid of tattoos using lasers it is obvious that you require a laser an instrument that emits an intense beam of light.
When it comes to removal of tattoos there are two primary kinds of lasers employed.
QS laser is a Quality-Switched (QS) laser
Picosecond laser
QS lasers are the first lasers to appear on the market and were was commercially used in the late 1990s.
They function by delivering huge amounts of energy to an isolated location, within a brief amount in time (we’re talking nanoseconds, which is one millionth of one second).
The Picosecond laser is the newest technology, having introduced it being introduced in the year 2012, followed by PicoSure in 2012, and the more sophisticated PicoWay coming in 2015.
The term “picosecond” refers to the amount of time that the laser releases its energy. Picoseconds are one trillionth of one second. It’s 1000 times faster than a nanosecond. the duration of the QS lasers.
The importance of wavelength The importance of Wavelength, Fluence, Repetition Speed and Spot Size Laser Tattoo Removal
1. Wavelength
The light spectrum is comprised of various wavelengths.
The ideal wavelength that is used by the laser to eliminate tattoos will be determined by the color of the ink used in the tattoo, as well as the colour of the skin of the patient.
2. Fluency
The term “fluence” refers to energy density. i.e. how much energy is available that is contained in the laser’s area.
More fluency could result in greater tattoo removal. However it is also at possibility of damaging the skin. Therefore, it is essential to maintain fluence at a sufficient level to reach the aim of eliminating the tattoo without causing damage to the skin.
As the treatment progresses the fluency will increase. usually required since the density of ink reduces and tattoos get lighter.
3. Repetition rate
A Repetition Rate (RR) refers to the amount at which laser’s pulses are fired within a second, expressed by Hertz (Hz). 1 Hz equals 1 laser pulse every second.
Different tattoos require different repetition rates.
If the skin being treated is smooth and broad, a high RR could be employed to reduce the treatment time. the skin.
In the case of an unorganized and detailed area an RR lower than necessary.
4. Size of the Spot
The size of the spot is determined by the radius of laser light.
The larger the size of the spot the more deeply the laser can penetrate the skin. But, it also needs more energy (fluence) and therefore, the size of the spot utilized by a doctor is determined by various factors, such as the size, position and color of the mark.
Picosecond laser vs QS laser
A picosecond laser performs better in removing tattoos that QS lasers, and lowers the chance of damage for the skin.
The longer duration of the pulse is a different influence upon the destruction pigment. It creates the photoacoustic effect instead of photothermal, which is utilized in this QS laser.
This breaks down the ink into smaller particles that can be taken away to the immune system. the lower heat levels cause less harm to the tissues around it.
The speed increase allows them to work with less fluency (as previously mentioned) to ensure a successful treatment.
The procedure of removal of laser tattoos
The first step towards getting an application of lasers to your tattoo is perform an examination of the patch. This involves applying a small amount of your tattoo. You will then look for areas of end-points that can be considered clinical, like frosting. In the event that the procedure is successful you’ll be able proceed with the removal of your tattoo.
The practitioner begins cleaning the area, and using a cold machine to begin numbing skin. This helps to reduce the amount discomfort that can be felt throughout the process.
The laser is then placed against the skin and releases flashes of light that are rapid. The laser’s light directly strikes the pigments in ink which causes them to break in pieces, breaking them to smaller bits.
As we mentioned previously, when you use the QS laser, a photothermal process is created which causes the pigment, causing it to degrade. If you are using the picosecond laser, it employs a photoacoustic effects that is, it uses pressure to break up the pigments.
The picosecond laser is much less in intensity than the QS and, since it doesn’t make use of heat, it is less sensitive and less likely to cause damage to the skin.
The importance of immune systems in the removal of laser tattoos
After the pigment has been removed, it’s left to the body and the immune system to complete the rest of the job.
Human bodies have specialized macrophages, cells that detect the presence of, ingest and eliminate bacteria and other harmful organisms.
The cells will adhere with pigmented fragments, and begin their task of eliminating themthrough an process called Phocytosis.
The process of lasering usually has to be repeated several times. This is because each procedure just breaks down the ink enough and has to be absorbed through the body’s immune system prior to the time the laser can be used again.
If not enough time has been allowed between treatments the treatment with laser is unlikely to have any impact. The typical interval of eight months between sessions was established by a variety of clinical studies carried out by Candela Medical, the manufacturer of the PicoWay laser.
The laser utilized in tattoo removal Derby is actually helping the body perform its job.
You’ll notice that older tattoos tend to have lost their color with time. The reason for this is that your body’s attempt to get rid of the pigmentation that is foreign to the tattoo. Therefore, older tattoos may require less time than new tattoos.
The effect of the colour of your skin on removal of tattoos
Human skin is awash with melanin that affects the colour of skin. The more melaninthere is, it’s darker skin. This can also affect the color of the eyes and hair.
The quantity of melanin found in different skin types can affect the treatment for removal of tattoos.
The scale that is numerical was designed that is known as”the Fitzpatrick scale. This scale can be used to determine the best method of treatment for the patient.
The larger the number is the less aggressive the treatment is required that is why a higher amount of sessions is required. Laser wavelength affects the intensity of the treatment. The shorter wavelengths are more aggressive than those with longer wavelengths.
For instance the skin types 1-3 could be extremely aggressive. Skin type 4 is more aggressive and skin types 5-6 is very gentle.
It is due to melanin having an exceptional energy absorption rate. In other words in the event that you were wearing an outfit with a darker color in the heat you’d feel warmer than when you wear an edgier shirt. The reason is that darker shades absorb more energy.
The more melanin an individual has the more energy gets absorption by the laser. You might think this would this would lessen the number of sessions but it could actually cause skin discoloration.
So a more gentle method is required to prevent this kind of effect.
The effect of the colour of the ink on removal of tattoos
As mentioned earlier The wavelength of the laser affects different colors. The reason for this is that various colours attract different wavelengths, causing ink to break.
It’s crucial to ensure that the location you are going to get tattoo removal is equipped with the correct laser that has exactly the right wavelength for the hue of the tattoo.
Tattoos are an extremely popular means of self-expression However, what happens if you’re looking to get them removed? The process of getting rid of tattoos is often lengthy, based on the colors and types of ink employed.
We’ve explored the impact that skin color and the colour of ink affect the amount of sessions required to remove tattoos.